
Showing posts with the label benefits of green tea

Stress Reduction with Green Tea

Green Tea Green Tea is said to lessen tenacity, anxiety, and other negative emotions. We'll talk about the science behind green Tea's physiological effects. Stress Reduction with Green Tea What are the main features of  Green Tea ? Significant Aspects will be discussed under these headings. · What is Green Tea? · What are the Benefits? · Green tea scientific research · Significant catechin in green Tea · Green Tea's L-Theanine Boosts Cognitive Function · Conclusion What is Green Tea? Green Tea is produced from Camellia sinensis leaves and buds that have not undergone the same withering and oxidation procedures as those used to create oolong and black teas. Since its invention in China, the manufacturing and processing of green Tea have spread to various East Asian nations. Although they are all made from the same plant, Camellia sinensis, green, black, and oolong teas are made in various ways. The leaves are steamed, pan-fried,